
Your web host provides a web administration tool for his or her database that you think is too pedestrian (like e.g. phpMyAdmin)? Or doesn't he provide any web admin at all? Do you want a fast and direct SQL access to your database? Then use sql.php!

sql.php is completely written in PHP, and in that way platform-independent. It only needs the core PHP file and two extension files: one for the database access functions and one for the language data. The installation is as easy as follows:

1. Download the core file

2. Download the database access file matching your database

3. Download your favorite language file

Note: English language also requires a language file!

4. Change line 3 and 5 of sql.php to your database and your language file.

sql.php is a project of Martin Unzner. Visit my homepage http://m-unzner.de.vu (German only) or Email Me.

Your database or mother-tongue isn't available? Then please send me an e-mail to which you append the database access or language file.

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